The effect of organizational culture, transformational leadership and work motivation toward teacher performance
Sumirta Adhi, Soewarto Hardienata and Widodo Sunaryo (Study Program of Educational Management, School Postgraduate Studies, Pakuan University, Bogor, West Java Province, Indonesia)
This study was designed to obtain information about the influence of organizational culture, transformational leadership, and work motivation to teachers’ performance. The research design employed was survey, with a total sample of 205 respondents. The sampling techniques were proportional random sampling. The results demonstrated that organizational culture (X1) positively influences work motivation (X3), with path coefficient of ρ31 = 0.300 and the significance level (p< 0, 05). Transformational leadership (X2) directly influence work motivation (X3), with the path coefficient of ρ32 = 0.691 and significant at (P< 0, 05). Organizational culture (X1) directly influence teachers performance (X4), with path coefficient of ρ41 = 0.207 and (P<0, 05), transformational leadership (X2) directly influence teachers performance (X4) with path coefficient of 42 = 0.458 and significant at (p< 0, 05). Work motivation (X3) directly influence teachers' performance (X4) with the path coefficient of 43 = 0.352 and the significant at (P< 0, 05).
Sumirta Adhi, Soewarto Hardienata and Widodo Sunaryo (Study Program of Educational Management, School Postgraduate Studies, Pakuan University, Bogor, West Java Province, Indonesia)