
The Effect of a Forgiveness Intervention in Promoting Forgiveness in the Context of Interpersonal Relationships

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Page: 232-237
Darsana R., Ritika Khotani and Megha Dhillon (Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi, Delhi)

Possessing a negative and destructive motivation toward interpersonal transgressions can hamper personal healing and growth. The researchers investigated the effects of a benefit-finding writing task on enhancing forgiveness among young women. 30 undergraduate female students between the ages of 18-21 participated in a brief online intervention based on a ‘benefit-writing’ exercise emphasising the positive aspects of a transgression. Another group of 30 undergraduate female students participated as a control group for a well-being exercise. Data was analysed using t-test for independent samples. The results of the study indicated an increase in benevolence and a decrease in revenge among the participants under the benefit-writing condition. However, no differences were found for avoidance motivations in this group. The control group results indicated an increase in benevolence, however, no significant differences were found in avoidance and revenge motivations. The study sheds light on the role and efficacy of short, structured interventions that contain the potential of being conducted online for providing assistance to people struggling with forgiveness and associated negative effects.


Page: 232-237
Darsana R., Ritika Khotani and Megha Dhillon (Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi, Delhi)