Test anxiety of twelfth standard students: Is it related to study habits, self-esteem, and trait anxiety?
Pages: 1174-1176
Aparna Limaye Dixit (Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, Australia)
Nutankumar S. Thingujam (Sikkim University, Gangtok)
The current study examined the relationship of test anxiety with trait anxiety, study habits, and self-esteem among the twelfth standard students. The sample comprised of 263 twelfth standard students (males = 118 and females = 145). Students responded to a set of four questionnaires, which included the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI), Trait Anxiety Scale (TAS), Study Habits Inventory (SHI), and Self-esteem Scale (SES). The results showed that test anxiety was correlated positively with trait anxiety but negatively with regular study habits and self-esteem. Besides, girls scored higher test anxiety as compared to boys. Overall, students of both the sex reported higher test anxiety.
Pages: 1174-1176
Aparna Limaye Dixit (Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, Australia)
Nutankumar S. Thingujam (Sikkim University, Gangtok)