Teachers’ view towards practices of instructional leadership in selected primary schools of Debre Berhan city administration, Ethiopia
Pages: 941-947
Kirandeep Kaur, Jagpreet Kaur, and Alemayehu Mengiste Belete (Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab)
Within this article, views of teachers on instructional leadership practices of principals are assessed and the gender differences of teachers’ view on the practices of instructional leadership by principals were tested. Quantitative research method was employed. The population of this study was 208 male and 299 female teachers who teach in 16 governmental and 11 private primary schools in Debre Berhan. Out of this population 73 male and 71 female with a total of 144 teachers were chosen by using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using PIMRS instrument developed by Hallinger. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Findings of total teachers showed that principals in Debre Berhan primary schools practiced instructional leadership functions between moderate to high level. The gender differences in the findings of this study were statistically insignificant for eight and significant for two of the functions, so it has an implication of gender equality in leadership understanding and participation. Principals should solve problems related to incentives for teachers and learning, search opportunities for professional upgrading and updating of teachers and oneself; and save instructional time properly in collaboration with the staff, district education office experts, Zonal responsible bodies; Universities, colleges, state and NGOs. The relatively low results obtained for incentive related functions may be related with the economical status of the country, thus it needs a further research on the issue to reach on a better conclusion. Principals should focus on the core activities of the teaching-learningimprovement, exercise their leadership skills to change values; share school vision and create conducive school climate where every member has the opportunity to learn and create knowledge-basedsociety.
Pages: 941-947
Kirandeep Kaur, Jagpreet Kaur, and Alemayehu Mengiste Belete (Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab)