Teacher’s Occupational Stress: Hindi adaptation
Pages: 1031-1035
Masaud Ansari, Sajid Ali Khan, and Shah Mohd. Khan (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh)
This study was carried out on 600 School/college Teachers to determine the psychometric characteristics, i.e., objectivity, reliability, validity and practicability of a bilingual (English & Hindi) Teacher’s Occupational Stress scale. The responses are on a Likert type pattern. Cronbach’s Alpha of the scale was 0.91, which is excellent. Content validity of the scale was verified by a number of experts, academicians and professionals. Using a more structured method, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was carried out and three (3) factors emerged in the analysis. In summing up all three factors explained 50.55% of the total variance which confirms the very high factorial/construct validity. Further, inter-factorial correlations among sub dimensions of Teacher’s Occupational Stress scale found highly significant. It can be concluded that the present piece of research work confirms high objectivity, reliability, validity and practicability of Teacher’s Occupational Stress scale. Conclusion drawn, uses for training, assessment, intervention and research purposes proposed.
Pages: 1031-1035
Masaud Ansari, Sajid Ali Khan, and Shah Mohd. Khan (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh)