Teachers’ effectiveness and social change: A review

Pages: 627-629
Naveen (Independent Scholar History, Hisar, Haryana)

In the new millennium, students from diverse racial, ethnic, and language groups across the globe are seeking access to quality educational opportunities. These students, however, are increasingly different in background and culture from one another and from their teachers. It has been noted that student-teacher ratios increased. Orfield and Reardon (1993) discovered profound differences in the quality of educational opportunity and the teaching staff, with underresourced schools functioning at a grossly inferior level. This is the case for schools in Indian School as well. It is not surprising to find that students in disadvantaged schools score lower on standardized achievement tests and matriculation exams than do their more affluent counterparts and that they drop out at higher rates than those in advantaged schools. The present paper reviews on these differences in school levels in global context


Pages: 627-629
Naveen (Independent Scholar History, Hisar, Haryana)