Teacher education: An insight to metamorphose to an avant-garde pursuit

Pages: 1962-1966
Vijay Pal Tewari (Faculty of Education, Air Force Administrative College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)

Teachers’ Training Course (B Ed) is perceived as one of the important studies and useful course as it prepares prospective teachers after the training is accomplished successfully. However, over the recent past a considerable amount of declination has been noticed in opting the course across the nation which might be affected by the retardation in employability and inflation in the teaching profession, inception of two years B Ed course and low quality educational institutions. At the same time, the profession is unable to attract the talented youths in its fold. The aim of the study was to assess the Course Effectiveness of B. Ed. degree and to consolidate some key factors which can potentially make the course more demanding and empowering. ANOVA and t-test were used for the analysis. Eight B.Ed. colleges of NCR, Delhi were randomly taken with 238 passed out trained graduates. To collect the data, a Course Effectiveness Scale (CES) on five points was developed. Overall, course effectiveness was found to be low. It is revealed that medium and stream of studies are having impact on effectiveness among the prospective teachers. A need could be speculated to uplift and prepare the study more efficacious and demanding. Based upon suggestions, Five Points Plan (FPP)isconsolidated, which could be an answer to ascend the values and prospectus of the course. There is further scope to deliberate and corroborate the idea by academicians, scholars and educationist.


Pages: 1962-1966
Vijay Pal Tewari (Faculty of Education, Air Force Administrative College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)