Study on effects of information sharing practices of SCM in Indian manufacturing organizations

Pages: 144-147
Ravinder Kumar (Department of Mechanical & Automation Engg., Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh)

In supply chain sharing of information with its members is very important. Correct and timely sharing of information leads to overall performance improvement. To achieve competitive advantage Indian manufacturing organizations should strategically implement information sharing practices in their supply chains. In this paper, author has used a survey-based approach to study information sharing practices for SCM and their effects on performance in Indian manufacturing organization. The results revealed that information sharing with suppliers and customers on issues like inventory status, order tracking, product development, sale forecasting have significant impact on performance of Indian organizations.


Pages: 144-147
Ravinder Kumar (Department of Mechanical & Automation Engg., Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh)