Study on attitude of parents towards normal and developmentally challenged children
Pages: 945-947
Sendi Seb Rengma and Minoti Phukan (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community Science Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam)
Children are beautiful, innocent little beings. They are precious and each unique. All children deserve to have great parents (Singh, 2008). The present study was undertaken to study and compare the attitude and involvement of parents towards Normal and Developmentally Challenged children. A total of 20 Families having a developmentally challenged child were selected purposively from different villages of Karbi Anglong District. An interview schedule was prepared as tool for data collection. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the parents gives maximum time to their developmentally challenged child as they cannot perform their daily activities like the normal children and they need help and support more than that of the normal children. Majority of the parents feel that they are burden to them as the child is too dependent. They avoid taking the child to public gatherings feeling that others will talk ill of his/her condition. Most of the respondents (parents) were found to have positive attitude towards their normal children.
Pages: 945-947
Sendi Seb Rengma and Minoti Phukan (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community Science Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam)