Study of dimensions of interpersonal relationships with depression and self-esteem
Pages: 601-603
Nalini Malhotra and Rakhi Hasija (Department of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala)
The main objective of the present research was to study the correlation between interpersonal relationships, depression and self esteem. The sample comprised of 120 adolescents (60males and 60 females) drawn through purposive random sampling from English medium public schools of Patiala city. The subjects were in the age range of 15-18 years from an urban background and from Intact and non-intact families. For this purpose, CAIR (Assessing interpersonal relationships), RADS-2 (assessing depression) and Rosenberg’s self esteem scale (assessing self-esteem) was used to meet the objectives. Intercorrelations computed revealed that interpersonal relationships was found to be positively correlated with self esteem and negatively correlated with depressive symptamatology.
Pages: 601-603
Nalini Malhotra and Rakhi Hasija (Department of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala)