Study of children’s personality among older boys and older girls

Pages: 1216-1218
Azara Parveen and Kiran Joshi (Department of Psychology, M.B.P.G. College, Haldwani)

The present study is aimed to explore about the personality differences between boys and girls. The areas of children’s personality questionnaire are 14 dimensions. Here we are watching Comparison of Boys and Girls on Measure of children’s Personality questionnaire. Sample of the Study: The sample consists of 120 students (60 male and 60 female) younger and older children various school of Kumoun region for the present investigation. Simple statistical techniques are employed for the analysis of data collected for the study. We can say that there is significant difference in personality of boys and girls. In CPQ A we got the higher score of girls in comparison of boys. CPQ B we got the higher score of girls in comparison of boys. CPQ D we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls. CPQ E we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls. CPQ F we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls. CPQ G we got the higher score of girls in comparison of boys. CPQ H we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls. CPQ I we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls. CPQ O we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls. CPQ Q3 we got the higher score of girls in comparison of boys. CPQ Q4 we got the higher score of boys in comparison of girls.


Pages: 1216-1218
Azara Parveen and Kiran Joshi (Department of Psychology, M.B.P.G. College, Haldwani)