Stress among adolescents and the role of counseling in managing it: A review

Pages: 99-104
Minakshi Rana (GGDSD College, Chandigarh, India)

Adolescence is a developmental stage characterized by multiple changes in virtually every aspect of an individual’s life. It is a pivotal period of development when teenagers are preparing for adulthood. This period is full of challenges for adolescents. They are confronted with new kinds of stress stemming from different sources. The parents and the teachers lack the essential tools for handling the problems of adolescents. Therefore, a counselor can play a very effective role in helping the adolescents in overcoming such stressful challenges by applying the robust scientifically tested techniques. The focus of this research paper is on understanding stress and types of stressors experienced in adolescence. Besides, studying how counseling appears to be a useful intervention in managing the stress among adolescents.


Pages: 99-104
Minakshi Rana (GGDSD College, Chandigarh, India)