
Standardization of eve teasing scale for boys: Reliability and validity analysis

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Pages: 1006-1010
Deepa Ghosh (Department of Psychology, Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura)

The aim of the study was to standardize an eve teasing scale for measuring attitude of the boys towards eve teasing. The sample size was 100. The original questionnaire consisted of 37 statements. After item analysis, only 21 significant items (p<0.01; p<0.05) were kept in the Eve Teasing Scale for boys (ESB). Accordingly, ESB was applied to the 100 students of different colleges of Tripura. Following the standard rationale each item was scored and the scores were summated for each of the seven categories. Then, the inter category of coefficient of correlations were determined and the said correlation matrix was utilised to factorial study utilising Principal Component Factor Analysis. The factorial study reveals that the total of 21 items were clearly Clustered into two factors. Factor I consist of three categories viz. girl's responsibility, improper socialisation and media's role and factor II consists of four categories viz., consciousness about the problem, feeling of security, lack of knowledge, boy's responsibility. The result of Principal Component Analysis of factorial study indicates that the eve-teasing scale has a good amount of construct validity. Then the reliability coefficient was determined by applying the Spearman Brown prophecy formula. The reliability coefficient of the factors I and the factor II were 0.788 and 0.841 respectively which designate the test as a reliable one. Later ESB was applied to a group of 280 male college students. Results (Mean=11.153; SD= 3.829) reveal that boys of colleges have predominantly favourable attitude towards eve teasing. Further the results provide some interesting cues about the concerned phenomena.


Pages: 1006-1010
Deepa Ghosh (Department of Psychology, Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura)