Standardization and validation of Hindi version of positive metacognitions and meta-emotions questionnaire
Arun Kumar Jaiswal, Lok Nath Singh, Rashmi Rani, Seema Rani Sarraf, and Dipti Pandey (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
The Positive Metacognitions and Meta-emotions Questionnaire (PMCEQ) developed by Beer and Moneta (2010) measures adaptive metacognitive beliefs when facing challenging situations. The cultural adaptation of Hindi version of PMCEQ was conducted in 17 to 75 years old (n = 838) Hindi speaking men and women participants of Varanasi city of Uttar Pradesh of India. The psychometric properties of the PMCEQ-H (Hindi version of PMCEQ) indicated good internal consistency with fairly high reliability and little different factor structure than that of original PMCEQ and acceptable construct and convergent validity. The CFA indicated that PMCEQ-H had an adequate and acceptable model fit indicating good construct validity. The three factors extracted were ‘Confidence in Setting Flexible and Feasible Hierarchies of Goals (PMCEQ-H1)’, ‘Confidence in Interpreting Own Emotions as Cues, Restraining from Immediate Reaction and Mind-Setting for Problem-Solving, (PMCEQ-H2)’ and ‘Confidence in Extinguishing Perseverative Thoughts and Emotions (PMCEQ-H3)’. The gender and age differences analyses also indicated that the instrument has good predictive validity. The PMCEQ-H1 and PMCEQ-H2 factors correlated positively with satisfaction with life, and all the three factors of PMCEQ-H correlated negatively with negative affect and BDI-II indicating good convergent validity of the instrument, thus, the PMCEQ-H produces a reliable and valid measurement of adaptive metacognitive beliefs in Hindi speaking Indian cultural milieu.
Arun Kumar Jaiswal, Lok Nath Singh, Rashmi Rani, Seema Rani Sarraf, and Dipti Pandey (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)