
Spirituality as Predictor of Psychological Well-being amongst Adolescents

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Page: 443-447
Taruna, Sarita, and Gaurav Sharma (Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana)

A WHO report in 2021 stated that the incidence of several affective mental disorders like depression, anxiety as well as behavioural disorders has become as high as one in seven individuals in the age range of 10-19 years. Therefore, attempts to understand, explore and hence facilitate a higher psychological well-being amongst people have become imperative. Amongst the factors which may affect the levels of psychological well-being in an individual, recent researches suggest spirituality to have a significant effect on the same (Kelley & Miller, 2007; Row & Elliott, 2009; Archana, Kumar, & Singh, 2014; Holder, Krupa & Krupa, 2015). Hence, in the current research paradigm, effort was made to fill in the dearth of research regarding the same and to investigate the relationship between spirituality in terms of spiritual personality and spiritual intelligence with psychological well-being among adolescents. For the purpose, the sample of the present research comprised of 250 adolescents (N=250) from the various colleges and universities from the state of Haryana, India. Spiritual Intelligence Self-report Inventory (SISRI) by King (2008); Spiritual Personality Inventory by Husain et al. (2012); and Ryff’s Psychological well-being scale (1989) was applied for the assessment of the variables. The findings of the study establish a significant positive correlation between the spiritual intelligence, spiritual personality and psychological well-being among the adolescents. Both spiritual intelligence and spiritual personality appeared as the significant predictors of psychological well-being among adolescents.


Page: 443-447
Taruna, Sarita, and Gaurav Sharma (Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana)