
Socio-economic Impact of Horticulture Mission on Farmers along with Factors Affecting it: A Sociological Analysis

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Pages: 154-160
Baskaur, Rashmi Tyagi, and Satpal Singh Baloda (CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)

In comparison to traditional crops, horticulture crop production is a highly specialised, sophisticated, and profitable endeavour being grown by the farmers. Association between education and level of knowledge was found highly significant. An overwhelming majority (88.7%) of the respondents who had education up to graduation and above level had high level of knowledge about horticultural crops. On the other hand annual family income was found highly significant with the level of knowledge. The relationship between socioeconomic position and knowledge level was found to be highly significant. Nearly three-fourth (78.7%) of the respondents who had high socio-economic status had high level of knowledge. Association between caste and level of adoption was found highly significant with the level of adoption. It was found that more than half of the respondents (51.0%) were from the general caste and had a high level of adoption. There was a significant association between the type of family and the level of adoption. Regarding socio-economic factors seventy five percent of the respondents agreed that their income increase through horticultural crops. It was also found that 61.9 percent of the respondents were agreed that use of chemical fertilizer decreased in horticultural crops.


Pages: 154-160
Baskaur, Rashmi Tyagi, and Satpal Singh Baloda (CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)