Social and emotional competence in young children (6-10 years): A module
Pages: 2200-2203
Rekha Sapra (Department of Human Development and Family Empowerment Bharati College, University of Delhi, Delhi)
Social and emotional skills are the building blocks for the child’s mental health and well-being. Social skills or competencies refer to the abilities to get along with peers and other adults in the environment. Problem solving, conflict resolution, self-esteem, academic achievement and success in career and life has been closely associated with the skills developed early in life. There is ample research to support that a child needs to acquire social competence by six years otherwise there is increased risk for various challenges during adolescence and adult life. The single best factor which has been found to be associated with adaptation and success in adult life is the child’s ability of getting along with others. Children who display aggressive and disruptive classroom behavior, are not able to form close peer relations or are rejected by their classmates have a high risk of poor mental health, low achievement and academic grades with high risk for delinquent behavior during adolescence. This module is a proactive attempt to develop social skills and emotional regulation skills in order enhance better mental well-being, critical thinking abilities, and empathy and conflict resolution skills. In addition this module will be able to strengthen peer relations and tries to focus on reducing the incidence of bullying behavior in children. The work is based on the research carried out as part of a major research work, funded by UGC.
Pages: 2200-2203
Rekha Sapra (Department of Human Development and Family Empowerment Bharati College, University of Delhi, Delhi)