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Self-esteem among adolescents: A study of gender and locale differences
Pages: 981-984
Prachi Shukla and Tejpreet K. Kang (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)
The present study was conducted in Ludhiana district of Punjab state. The purpose of the study was to assess the self esteem level of rural and urban male and female adolescents. Three hundred adolescents of age group between 16-18 years had been taken from four senior secondary schools of rural and urban areas of Ludhiana. The Self- Esteem Inventory (adult form) developed by Coopersmith was administered to assess the self- esteem of adolescents. Data were analyzed in terms of percentage, chi- square test and t- test. The results revealed that there exists a significant difference in self esteem of male and female adolescents. Male adolescents had better self esteem as compared to female adolescents. Locale wise significant difference also existed. Result showed that urban adolescents had better self esteem than rural adolescents.
Pages: 981-984
Prachi Shukla and Tejpreet K. Kang (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)