Self-efficacy and emotional intelligence among college youth with respect to family type and gender

Vinayak M. Honmore (Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garware Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra )
M. G. Jadhav (Department of Psychology, K. B. P. College, Urun-Islampur, Sangli, Maharashtra)

The current study was an endeavour to explore the differences in self-efficacy and emotional intelligence among the college youth with respect to their family type and between genders. It was also intended to assess the relationship between self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. The purposive sample of this study comprised of 120 students of first year degree college of Arts, Commerce and Science, 60 from joint and 60 from nuclear family. Both groups include 30 male and 30 female youth. The sample was studied by using Self-efficacy Scale (Mathur & Bhatnagar, 2012) and Emotional Intelligence Test (Sharma, 2011). The independent sample t test revealed significant differences in self-efficacy, and total and handling relations dimension of emotional intelligence of college youth in relation to their family type showing nuclear family youth are higher on self-efficacy while joint family youth score more on total and handling relations dimension of emotional intelligence. The study also depicted significant gender differences in self-efficacy and total emotional intelligence indicating male youth are higher on self-efficacy and total emotional intelligence than female youth. The domain-wise analysis of data shows similar trends in terms of self-awareness, motivating oneself, empathy and handling relations except managing emotions. Pearson’s correlation showed significant and positive association between self-efficacy, and total and self-awareness, managing emotions and handling relations dimensions of emotional intelligence.


Vinayak M. Honmore (Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garware Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra )
M. G. Jadhav (Department of Psychology, K. B. P. College, Urun-Islampur, Sangli, Maharashtra)