Rorschach index for Nepalese sample having depression with and without suicide ideation
Pages: 868-877
Trishna Ghosh Chettri (Bista) (Senior Clinical Psychologist, Mental Hospital, Lagankhel, Patan, Nepal)
Sijo George (Seesha Karunya Community Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)
The motive of the present study is to examine the Nepalese adult depressive patients having suicidal ideation, and those meeting the criteria on depressive index (DEPI) and suicide constellation index (S-CON). The present study employed a between group design and tested a null hypothesis on 50 patients with a diagnosis of depressive disorder and 25 normals, considering no significant difference on Depression Index and Suicide Constellation Index among depressives with or without suicide ideation and control g. The sample in the age groups of 18 50 years, was recruited between February and May 2016, for both groups. The result indicates, Depression Index in the Comprehensive System to be valid in identifying the depressive features amounting to the diagnosable disorder in the Nepalese sample. However, the observation that Suicide Constellation Index failed to identify the suicidal ideation as reported on BDI, in the present study, underscores the need for developing culture-specific normative data. This set of data suggested the SCON index may not be a robust measure and may be culturally sensitive
Pages: 868-877
Trishna Ghosh Chettri (Bista) (Senior Clinical Psychologist, Mental Hospital, Lagankhel, Patan, Nepal)
Sijo George (Seesha Karunya Community Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)