Romantic Regeneration and French Revolution
Monika Choudhry (Tikaram College of Education, Sonipat, Haryana)
“Whence comest thou and whither goes thou? How did thy cause begin” …………..” (The Trimph of Life, P.B. Shelley) Artless, unassuming, dedicated to self-expression more than balance, restraint, clarity and simplicity is what marks the arrival of Romanticism or Romantic Regeneration after the French Revolution. What was dark and uncouth for a poet such as Pope was a rich site of mystery and meaning for Coleridge. Uprightness, Generosity, Tenderness of Heart, Sensuality, Obstinacy (extreme), Irritability, Infidelity, Imagination were the most striking emotions of the Romanticism.
Monika Choudhry (Tikaram College of Education, Sonipat, Haryana)