Role of organisational structure in empolyee’s empowerment
Pages: 110-115
Anit Dubey and A.K Singhal (Department of Commerce, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh)
The purpose of this research is to examine the role of organizational structure in employee’s empowerment and the required factors in order to propose an appropriate approach for empowerment of employees. According to earlier researches related to employees empowerment consists of four traits of competence, self-determination, meaningfulness and effectiveness. Organizational structure, as one of the most important constituents of an organization will impact on its every internal process, including human resources and particularly employees’ empowerment A model was designed based on the literature, linking factors of employee empowerment in an organizational structure The literature and various studies concluded that: the organizational structures plays very vital role in employee’s empowerment ,more the empowerment and recognition of employees in an organization is increased, more will their motivation to work will enhance. Also there exists a positive relationship between employees and organization. The more the employees are motive to tasks accomplishment higher will the organizational performance and success. The study focuses on the practice and observance of the two main factors, empowerment and the organization structures for enhancing employee empowerment which leads to organizational effectiveness. The organizations should design their rules, policies and organizational structures that give space to the employee to work well and appreciate them on their tasks fulfillment and achievements. This will surely lead to organizational growth.
Pages: 110-115
Anit Dubey and A.K Singhal (Department of Commerce, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh)