Role of behavioural techniques in patients with insomnia and headache

Pages: 1185-1189
Dinesh Naik (N.V.P. Mondals Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon, Nasik, Maharastra )

Behavioral treatments focus exclusively on modifying environmental contexts/contingencies and patterns of behavior that presumably exacerbate symptoms and functional impairment. Cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBTs), by comparison, include a focus on behavior modification and an emphasis on modifying maladaptive patterns of thinking. There are central elements of CBT and self-management which cut across treatment for specific psychiatric disorders and headache disorders. In many cases, insomnia and headache occurs when there is another problem, such as stress, pain, or a medical condition. In these cases, treatment of the underlying problem may help to improve sleep. In other cases, the causative factor of insomnia is unclear or the insomnia does not improve even after the treatment of the co-existing problem. Hence, the insomnia itself requires to be particularly treated.


Pages: 1185-1189
Dinesh Naik (N.V.P. Mondals Arts, Commerce & Science College, Lasalgaon, Nasik, Maharastra )