Role and contribution of resilience and self-efficacy on adolescents : An overview
Rumeena Surjit Singh (Department of Psychology, Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Chandigarh)
Adolescence is a developmental period that is filled with many challenges. Early developmental theorists, particularly have defined the period of adolescence as one of identity versus role confusion, in which adolescents must determine who they are, combining their self-understanding and social roles into a coherent identity. However, today’sadolescents live amidst a society that is multi-complex, making the roles of adolescents very diffuse and confusing. This makes it imperative for parents and teachers to rightly assist in equipping children towards making them more efficacious and resilient for a better tomorrow. Taking this backdrop into consideration, the present paper attempts to highlight and discussthe role and contribution of Self-Efficacy and Resilience on adolescents.
Rumeena Surjit Singh (Department of Psychology, Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Chandigarh)