Review on research and practice of cyber psychology behaviours
Pages: 245-248
Saroj Sharma Nagpal and Nidhi Chadha (Department of Psychology, Post Graduate Government College, Sector-11, Chandigarh)
There are several reasons to justify to study any addiction and more than ever, today, it does makes sense to include a new-fangled addiction i.e. an addiction to internet among adolescents precisely because they are at a critical stage of making key choices about their future. Like any communication tool has both positive and negative aspects related to it, similarly, internet and its proper usage has lead towards growth and prosperity where as misuse of internet has become a serious mental health problem. Since younger generation use internet more than any other age group, therefore, they are the ‘population at-risk’ for being the victim of internet addiction. Thus keeping present scenario in mind, the present study was undertaken for an in-depth analysis of internet addiction and its effect on adolescent’s physical, emotional and mental health. Measures in form of strategies must be imbibed by both adolescents and parents in order to tackle with the issue.
Pages: 245-248
Saroj Sharma Nagpal and Nidhi Chadha (Department of Psychology, Post Graduate Government College, Sector-11, Chandigarh)