Resilience and suicide ideation among male and female college students
Pages: 1614-1617
Prabhjyot Kour and Pallavi Sachdeva (Department of Psychology, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir)
Resilience can be defined as an ability which helps the individuals to cope with the difficult situations effectively. Suicide ideation can be defined as the intention, desire to kill oneself. Suicide ideation comprised of suicidal thoughts, suicidal behavior, suicidal attempts, and committing suicide. It is common among youngsters to have suicidal thoughts. The aim of the present study is to find out the resilience and suicide ideation among male and female students studying in Govt. degree colleges of Jammu. Convenience sampling technique was used to collect the data. The data for this study was collected from 200 college students, 100 are the males and other 100 are the females. The statistical techniques applied for the data analysis is t-test and pears on product moment correlation. Results revealed significant gender difference and significant correlation in resilience and suicide ideation among male and female colleges students. Empirical evidences suggest that females have higher resilience whereas male are found to have lower resilience, whereas on the scale of suicide ideation females have higher suicide ideation than males. Results would be helpful in fostering resilience among college students. There must be psychologists available in the colleges, so they can help the students in nurturing a positive view for themselves. Psychologists can figure out the problems of the students and find a way to resolve them. Psychologists can encourage mindfulness practice, resilience training programs, relaxation therapies so that it will strengthen and reorganizes the brain of students in adversities.
Pages: 1614-1617
Prabhjyot Kour and Pallavi Sachdeva (Department of Psychology, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir)