Relationship between socio-economic status and absenteeism indicators of pupil teachers of educational institutions in Haryana
Pages: 849-851
Priyanka Gaur and Renuka Sharma (Bhagat Phool Singh Institute of Teacher Training, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat , Haryana)
Socio economic development in the country along with various indicators of knowledge as gained through various systems of education have played a very significant role in each socio-economic group. The society has gained knowledge through various systems of education prevailing in various fields of specialization, i.e., education, technological, scientific, agricultural and many more. In the recent past it is being observed that in the field of education especially in the educational institutions there is an exponential growth in the habit of absenteeism amongst various groups of pupil teachers. The literature on the absenteeism characteristics and socio-economic indicators of the pupil teacher is very scanty. In order to meet the gap in knowledge, the researcher has tried to establish relationship between the socio-economic status and absenteeism amongst a group of pupil teachers studying in various colleges of education in Haryana.
Pages: 849-851
Priyanka Gaur and Renuka Sharma (Bhagat Phool Singh Institute of Teacher Training, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat , Haryana)