Relationship between personality traits and self-concept sexual with marital intimacy married people in Tehran
Zohreh Hoshmand and Nazanin Honarparvaran (Department of Counselling, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran )
This study has investigated the relationship between personality traits and sexual self-concept with marital intimacy of married people in Tehran. Therefore, this study is descriptive and correlational. The study focuses on all married people in the north of Tehran who referred to counseling services in the second quarter of the year 2014. For this purpose, using a multistage cluster sampling, samples were selected. The information and data on which this study has been based upon have been gathered through the Five Factor questionnaire (NEO), sexual self-concept questionnaire (MSSCQ), Snell and Walker and Thompson’s intimacy questionnaire. The SPSS-20 software analyzed the step by step regression of the data with the help of correlation. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between marital intimacy and sexual anxiety, sexual awareness, sexual optimism, schema and depression and also between neuroticism, extroversion and conscientiousness of personality characteristics.
Zohreh Hoshmand and Nazanin Honarparvaran (Department of Counselling, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran )