Relations with parents and teachers as predictors of academic success among adolescents

Pages: 588-591
Subhash Chandra Singh (VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P.)
S.C. Gautam (Upardaha P. G. College, Baraut, Allahabad, U.P. )

This study tries to examine the influence of students’ relations with parents and teachers on their academic success. A sample of 160 high school male and female students was drawn by purposive sampling method from the different schools of eastern UP (14-17 years). Tools used were: Parent-Adolescent Relationship Scale, Student-Teacher Relationship Scale and Academic Success Scale. Results indicate that parent-adolescent and student-teacher relationships are significantly correlated with academic success variables and parent-adolescent and student-teacher relations are significantly contributing to academic success variables. This study has significant implications for teachers, parents and researchers. The students, who have positive relations with their parents, usually are also able in making good relations with their teachers. If students have warm, supportive, caring and encouraging teachers, they enjoy and are involved in school more. They always try to maintain such positive relations with their teachers by their greater effort in understanding lesions or topics, commitment and valuing of school. Such efforts and environment help them in all types of psychosocial and academic development.


Pages: 588-591
Subhash Chandra Singh (VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P.)
S.C. Gautam (Upardaha P. G. College, Baraut, Allahabad, U.P. )