Receptive and expressive language in language delayed syrian bilingual children: A comparative study of children who enrolled in kindergarten and their peers who did not enroll in kindergarten
Pages: 62-65
Ahmad Ali (Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh)
The research aims to compare language-delayed children enrolled in kindergarten and their peers who did not enrol in kindergarten in receptive and expressive language development. Descriptive approach used; Sample included 376 Syrian bilingual children drawn from first-grade of the 6 years primary school stage. “The receptive and expressive language test “ prepared by the researcher ” was used to identify language delayed children and After diagnosis the researcher selected 73 children who were suffering from language delay. t-test was used to find out significance of difference between the groups.No significant differences in receptive language between children who were enrolled in kindergarten and their peers who did not enrol in the kindergarten. Significant differences were found in expressive language. No significant difference was obtained between males and females in receptive and expressive language.
Pages: 62-65
Ahmad Ali (Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh)