Psychological general well being and satisfaction with life among doctors of tertiary care hospital in India: A cross sectional study

Pages: 1632-1636
Kapil S. Kulkarni (Department of Psychiatry, Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Western Railways, Mumbai Central, Mumbai)
Charles Pinto and Malay Dave (Honorary Visiting Specialist, Department of Psychiatry, Jagjivan Ram Railway Hospital, Mumbai)
J. P. Rawat (Additional Chief Health Director, Department of Psychiatry, Jagjivan Ram Railway Hospital, Mumbai)

Psychological well being and satisfaction with life are two important component of well being concept and Health Related Quality of Life. There are studies regarding psychological well being, job satisfaction, predictors of well being etc. among doctors. This study is done in tertiary care railway hospital in India. Total seventy five doctors were included in study. They were stratified according to age, sex, marital status and experience in years. Data was collected after distributing “Psychological General Well Being Index” and “Satisfaction with Life Scale.” As the age and years of experience in practice increases the vitality component of psychological general well being increases.(p=0.013 for age)(p=0.014 for experience). Marital status affects both total psychological general well being (p=0.042) and satisfaction with life (p=0.017). Positive well being (p=0.038) and vitality (p=0.012) are two components of psychological well being which are predominantly affected by marital status. There is significant relation between psychological general well being and satisfaction with life. Total psychological well being (p=0.006) with its three important components impacting satisfaction with life are anxiety (p=0.001), positive well being (p=0.01) and self control (0.045). Senior and experienced doctors are more active, energetic and fresh feeling than junior or less experienced doctors. Married doctors have better psychological well being than singles; they are more happy, interested and active. Psychological general well being and life satisfaction are interrelated. Doctors who are relaxed, cheerful, interested and have good control over their emotions, thoughts and behavior are better satisfied than others.


Pages: 1632-1636
Kapil S. Kulkarni (Department of Psychiatry, Jagjivan Ram Hospital, Western Railways, Mumbai Central, Mumbai)
Charles Pinto and Malay Dave (Honorary Visiting Specialist, Department of Psychiatry, Jagjivan Ram Railway Hospital, Mumbai)
J. P. Rawat (Additional Chief Health Director, Department of Psychiatry, Jagjivan Ram Railway Hospital, Mumbai)