Psycho-cultural influences in honour killing
Pages: 260-262
Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)
Dalbir Saini (District Social Welfare officer, Hisar, Haryana)
The present study was conducted on a sample of 400 respondents from the states of haryana, panjab, and delhi. A suvey questionnaire of 65 items was used to know the people opinions about the casuses of honor killing in north india. It has been observed in the findings that irrationale and negative attitude towards females, attaching prestigious tags to females, community pressures, attitude towards youth and intercaste marriage are some of the observations indicating their role in honor killing. The study reveals the role of cognitions and cultural influences in commiting the crime in the name of honour.
Pages: 260-262
Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)
Dalbir Saini (District Social Welfare officer, Hisar, Haryana)