
Profile Analysis of Binet Kamat Intelligence Test in Tertiary Hospital

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Page: 573-575

V. S. Selvam (Department of Clinical Psychology, VMMC, Karaikal)


Page: 573-575

V. S. Selvam (Department of Clinical Psychology, VMMC, Karaikal)

Intelligence is described as the ability to think, learn from experience, solve problems, and adjust to new situations. The first intelligence testing movement began with Binet-Simon, a French psychologist, in the early 20th century. To find out the common level of paucity of primary mental abilities among the intellectual disabilities, borderline intelligence, and below-average intelligence in the Binet Kamat Test. It is a descriptive study comprising 362 samples that were collected from the Department of Clinical Psychology, Vinayaka Mission Medical College Hospital, Karaikal. We excluded people with intellectual disabilities with comorbidity and people who were not willing to give consent for the study. The study revealed that principally they are female, have mild intellectual disabilities, and have borderline intelligence. Basal age is from 4 yrs, mental age 4 to 13 yrs, and terminal age 19 yrs. The marital status shows primarily single and mostly married are slow learners. The primary mental abilities were started in early childhood, whereas verbal reasoning is from 9 yrs to 12 yrs. The non-verbal reasoning, social intelligence, and visuo-motor abilities were not improved after 14 years, whereas other primary mental abilities are improving. The test profile indicates an overall decline in mental abilities at the age of 19 years.