Prediction of life quality in relation with psychological capital and mind happiness in teachers
Sedigheh Hassannia (Department of General Psychology, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran. )
Mitra Mahmoodi and Mansoreh Amirianzadeh (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.)
The present study has been performed with purpose of predicting life quality in relation with psychological assets and mind happiness in teachers of Shiraz city. Methodology was correlation and descriptive. Studied sample included 313(131 men & 183 women) teachers of Shiraz city in high school in 2014-2015 and were selected in a random cluster method. Participants filled a 36 questions life quality questionnaire (SF-36) and a 24-question Oxford mind happiness questionnaire (OHI). In the present, study a Cronbach alpha instrument used for determining instruments reliability. A suitable validity and reliability was reported for tests. In the present study pearson correlation coefficient statistical test and multi variable regression statistical analysis and an independent t-Test were used for hypothesis testing. Results showed that positivism variable could predict physical health of teachers’ life quality. Moreover, the teachers who have better psychological health have also better physical health, meanwhile, positivism variable predicted psychological health. Results also indicated that psychological assets and mind happiness variables could predict a portion of teachers’ life quality. Results also indicated a meaningful difference of life quality between men and women. Considering to the meaningfulness level of regression test, studied sample can be extended to the society.
Sedigheh Hassannia (Department of General Psychology, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran. )
Mitra Mahmoodi and Mansoreh Amirianzadeh (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.)