Prediction of job performance based on self-efficacy and resiliency among school teachers in Shiraz
Pages: 411-414
Farjam Mansori (M.A. Student of Organizational and Industrial Psychology Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Seyed Ahmad Mirjafari and Aminallah Fazel (Department of Psychology Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
This study to explain the impact of job self-efficacy on job performance with the mediating role of resilience. This study was a descriptive and correlation and 219 school teachers in the area1 of Shiraz with available sampling. Data collected were collected a questionnaire with using Paterson’s job performance, Connor and Davidson’s resiliency and Schwarzer and Jerusalm’s job self-efficacy. The data were analyzed correlation, regression and path analysis using hierarchical regression by using statistical software SPSS22. In this study, were segregated and were compared the impact of job self-efficacy on job performance with the mediating role of resilience for men and women. The results showed that the prediction model of the entire sample and both men and women differ from each other. Thus the male pattern perfectly matches the total sample, but it should be noted that in men than in the total sample, a mediator variable (resiliency) plays a mediating role stronger. However, in women it is not clear that considerable resilience mediating role in impacting job self-efficacy on job performance.
Pages: 411-414
Farjam Mansori (M.A. Student of Organizational and Industrial Psychology Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Seyed Ahmad Mirjafari and Aminallah Fazel (Department of Psychology Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)