Positive Self-process Program (PSPP): A pilot study
Rajesh George and Marc Eric S. Reyes (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)
Burnout syndrome is an alarming issue in the modern work culture and its prevalence has amplified extensively as compared to the past. Psychiatric nurses, due to the peculiar nature of their work are heavily exposed to the damaging effects of burnout. This study was aimed at developing an intervention program for alleviating burnout and ameliorating quality of life of the nurses employed in psychiatric hospitals in Kerala and to pilot test its viability and usability in the clinical practice. The researcher employed a mixed research approach particularly the sequential exploratory design in the program development phase. Maslach Burnout Inventory-HSS and WHOQOL-bref were used respectively to assess the level of burnout and quality of life of the psychiatric nurses. In order to have a better knowledge of the current scenario and prevalence of burnout among the mental health nurses, researchers carried out need-assessment survey, semi-structured interviews and focused-group discussions. Basing on the insight received from these assessment procedures, researchers developed an eight-modular intervention program, Positive Self-Process Program (PSPP), integrating the Multi-dimensional Theory of Burnout and Self-Compassion Theory. The newly developed intervention program was content validated by eight inter-disciplinary experts and content validation showed excellent Cronbach’s co- efficient (α .90). PSPP was pilot tested for its feasibility with 10 nurses engaged in mental health services. The intervention program had a positive effect on the participants of the pilot study. This was validated through the statistical analysis of the data using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, which showed reduced burnout and improved quality of life.
Rajesh George and Marc Eric S. Reyes (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)