Positive parenting: Meaning and methods
Promila Batra (Department of Psychology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana)
Parenting and its styles are well documented in Psychology. It is a process of growing/rearing up the children so as to socialize them as responsible adult citizens. The process is governed by a certain set of rules and behaviours prevalent amongst parents. Parenting is supposed to be a highly fulfilling prophecy, as the process is expected to develop mentally and physically well developed children, who, in turn will support the parents when they grow old, thus serving the society and the nation. However, the matter in the modern scenario is not as simple as it seems to be. The changing scenario has turned parenting into a complex and stressful event, may be due to lack of time and neurotic hurry which are the consequences of prevailing competitiveness. In this era of positive psychology, it has become important to sensitize the common men about the meaning and methods of positive parenting so that the parenting becomes a relaxing event and the processes become easier and rejoicing. It is important and necessary in the interest of progeny. In this context, it is important to delineate the concept of positive parenting in details. The present paper highlights the meaning and methods of positive parenting along with an effort to inculcate a belief that the children are not difficult to carve if positive environments are created and a faith that the environments can be easily controlled in a family.
Promila Batra (Department of Psychology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana)