Positive emotions: Facilitator of optimal health and wellbeing
Pages: 1517-1519
Prarthna Swani (Department of Psychology, S.R. Government College for Women, Amritsar)
A comprehensive review of research relating emotions to health is presented. The consequences of negative and positive emotions on health are highlighted. It is opined that positive emotions produce optimal functioning not just within the present but over the long term as well. Negative emotions, on the other hand, can produce and intensify a variety of health threats and diseases, whose onset and course is influenced by the immune system. Some proven techniques for shedding negative emotions and increasing positive emotions are discussed. The bottom line message is that we should work to cultivate positive emotions in ourselves and in those around us as a means to achieving improved psychological and physical health over time.
Pages: 1517-1519
Prarthna Swani (Department of Psychology, S.R. Government College for Women, Amritsar)