
Personality Traits as Correlates of Psychological Well-being and Suicidal Ideation in Adults

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Page: 296-300

Twinkle1, Gobind2, Pinki3, Rakesh Behmani4 (Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana1,2,4, and Department of Psychology, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, Haryana3)


Page: 296-300

Twinkle1, Gobind2, Pinki3, Rakesh Behmani4 (Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana1,2,4, and Department of Psychology, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, Haryana3)

There is a lot of evidence to support specific traits in personality that may enhance a person’s vulnerability to suicide and connected to psychological well-being among twenty-somethings as grownups, individuals seem to be at a greater risk of having suicidal thoughts and acting on them. In this study, the researcher inspected the relationship of personality characteristics with suicide ideation and psychological well-being (n=200) of 20 to 30-year-old individuals, illustrative of the general population of Haryana. Subjects were measured using Big Five Inventory by Rammsted and John (2007). Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire given by William (1987). Psychological Well-being Scale by Ryff (1995) Correlational analyses was applied to identify personality traits that correlate with suicide ideation and psychological well-being. Extravert and openness is positively correlated with psychological well being and negatively correlated with suicide ideation. likewise nueroticism is positively corelated with suicide ideation.