Personality factors on job satisfaction among teachers
Pages: 169-171
Wricha Malik (Department of HSB, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)
Education plays an important role in the development of any nation. Hence, it is required to give top priority for educational system which is possible mainly through teachers, in whose hands the destiny of our coming generation is placed. Thus, teachers who are shaping our children’s future, should invariably possess job satisfaction along with other good qualities. This is because a teacher is more effective in his job only when he is satisfied with his job. Job satisfaction of teachers is therefore an utmost important factor in making the teaching profession more useful for the nation. The present paper reviews the relation between personality factors and job satisfaction among teachers.
Pages: 169-171
Wricha Malik (Department of HSB, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)