Perception of sewing operators regarding work worker and workplace
Pages: 31-33
Neha Gahlot, Manju Mehta and Kiran Singh (Department of Family Resource Management, I.C. College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)
Work, worker and workplace are the three components of work triangle. The present study focuses on the perception of the female sewing machine operators retarding the different aspects of work. Perception is the awareness of something through the senses. In other words it’s the ability to see, hear, understand or become aware of something. Perception is important as it is a physiological process through which everything is this world is interpreted and understood. It is very important to the workers to understand what they actually perceive and understand about their work. That will make their decision power stronger and will ultimately improve their skill and quality of life. The present study was conducted on 80 sewing machine operators to study their perception regarding the different aspects of their work. The perception of the sewing machine operators regarding their work, worker and workplace was assessed by a subjective tool. The subjects were personally interviewed about their opinion on different aspects of work triangle.
Pages: 31-33
Neha Gahlot, Manju Mehta and Kiran Singh (Department of Family Resource Management, I.C. College of Home Science, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)