
Peer Pressure and Loneliness as Determinants of Adolescent Drug Abuse Behaviour

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Page: 392-395

Sanjay Kumar Bhankhar and Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, G.J.U.S.T., Hisar, Haryana)


Page: 392-395

Sanjay Kumar Bhankhar and Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, G.J.U.S.T., Hisar, Haryana)

Adolescence is a sensitive period for substance use. They engage in different drug use activities like alcohol, smoking, and other drug use. Drug use has also been associated with overestimating normative levels of drug use, negative life events, and specific motivations for drug use, all of which have been linked to more problematic patterns. The majority of drug users begin smoking at an early age. They seek new thrills as they become older and eventually turn into heavy drug users. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the risk factors of drug abuse among adolescents. Knowledge of such factors will help the authorities to devise improved intervention strategies to reduce the incidence rates. This paper is based on a review of quantitative as well as qualitative research papers published in various journals. On the basis of the previous studies, we have concluded that peer pressure and loneliness increase the risk of drug abuse. Adolescent drug usage is still the most dangerous to experience, with physical and mental health consequences. Adolescents continue to use these medications despite the known risks linked with them.