Peak-experiences among Indians in midlife

Edward Hoffman (Yeshiva University, New York, USA )
Neeta Relwani-Garg (Independent Psychologist, New Delhi, India )
Susan Kaneshiro (Argosy University, Orange, CA, USA)
Sonia Kapur (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA)

Though much attention has been accorded to midlife angst and turmoil, meager published research has been conducted on peak-experiences during this major lifespan period. In this study, 122 individuals born in India ages 40-65 responded to a questionnaire asking them to describe a recent joyful experience and its subsequent impact on their outlook on life. They were also asked to rate it numerically on a 5-point Likert scale. Their qualitative reports were subsequently coded into 13 categories. Peaks involving interpersonal joy were reported significantly most frequently, more than all other categories combined. These were followed in frequency by those comprising respectively external achievement and personal growth. Small percentages involved skill mastery, nature, aesthetics, religious peaks in either institutional or non-institutional settings, recovery from illness/accident, philosophical musing, developmental landmark, homecoming, and serenity. The implications for better understanding and optimizing midlife functioning in India are discussed, and future research avenues are highlighted.


Edward Hoffman (Yeshiva University, New York, USA )
Neeta Relwani-Garg (Independent Psychologist, New Delhi, India )
Susan Kaneshiro (Argosy University, Orange, CA, USA)
Sonia Kapur (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA)