Parent-child relationship predict emotional maturity among school going students

Pages: 1362-1364
Aashima Jasoria, Ram Kumar Gupta, and Mukta Singhvi (Department of Psychology, Univeristy of Rajasthan, Jaipur)

The present study was intended to determine whether the parent child relationship would predict emotional maturity among school going students. Thirty participants with ages between 16 and 17 years (group mean age ± S.D., 16.25 ± 0.44) who were studying in a school at Alwar district in the state of Rajasthan were included in this cross-sectional study. Participants were assessed for emotional maturity using emotional maturity scale and for parent child relationship with parent child relationship questionnaire. Emotional stability scale was categorized in five dimensions. The parent child relationship questionnaire was sub-categorizes into 10 subunits. Pearson correlation analyses were performed using PASW (SPSS version 18.0) to determine how the parent child relationship would predict emotional maturity among school going students. Neglecting parent child relationship significantly negatively correlated with emotional stability of the child (p <0.01). Emotional maturity showed negative correlation with indifferent parent child relationship (p <0.05) and neglecting parent child relationship (p <0.05). The results suggest that the neglecting parent child relationship negatively affects emotional maturity of the school going students.


Pages: 1362-1364
Aashima Jasoria, Ram Kumar Gupta, and Mukta Singhvi (Department of Psychology, Univeristy of Rajasthan, Jaipur)