On the relationship between Holtzman Inkblot variables and Big Five Personality Factors
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Pages: 324-328
Parmod Kumar (Department of Psychology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana )
This study was designed to explore the relationship between inkblot perception in HIT and psychometric measures of broader personality dimensions. A sample of 300 male adults in the age range of 20 to 40 years drawn through cluster sampling from Haryana was tested on Holtzman Inkblot Technique and NEO Five Factor Inventory. The data were treated statistically for descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation. Results of bivariate correlation revealed that some of the HIT variables have low modest to upper modest correlations with corresponding NEO-FFI personality factors. Neuroticism dimension of personality correlates .37 with HIT variable Anxiety, .28 with Hostility, and .25 with Pathogenomic verbalization. Extraversion was found to have positive correlation with HIT indices of Color (.23), Human (.23), and Popular (.21). Openness correlated significantly with HIT indicators of Perceptual Maturity, i.e., Space (.21, Form Definiteness (.23), and Form Appropriateness (.26). Agreeableness has shown negative correlation with Pathognomic Virbalization (-.31), Penetration (-.24), and Anxiety (-.19, p<.001) and positive with Human with (.21). Conscientiousness has also yielded significant negative correlation with Pathognomic Verbalization (-.23) and Hostility (-.29) but positive with Human (.24).
Pages: 324-328
Parmod Kumar (Department of Psychology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana )