
Nurturing Mental and Emotional Well-being in the Cyberspace

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Page: 538-542

Angel Rathnabai S. (Central Institute of Educational Technology-NCERT, New Delhi)


Page: 538-542

Angel Rathnabai S. (Central Institute of Educational Technology-NCERT, New Delhi)

In the modern era, cyberspace has an impact on every facet of human connection. The Internet, which offers forums for people to connect, engage, and work with one another in all facets of life is transforming the world in many ways. In a sense, it has developed into an additional setting for social contact between people, much like their homes, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, etc. This also has a direct impact on mental and emotional well-being while blending their personal, social, and professional spaces with cyberspace. Hence, it is important to create awareness about the impact as well as the ways and means of maintaining a balance in cyberspace to ensure healthy mental and emotional well-being. Nurturing mental and emotional wellness through various strategies is essential. By fostering awareness, embracing digital wellness practices, and advocating for a more empathetic online culture, we can harness the potential of cyberspace while prioritizing mental and emotional health in this rapidly evolving digital age.