Non-Existence and its Consequences in Bharati Mukherjee’s Fiction: The Tiger’s Daughterand Wife
SavitaYadav (Research Scholar, Dept. of English & Foreign Languages M.D.U., Rohtak, Haryana)
Bharati Mukherjee is arguably the most celebrated writer of the Asian immigrant experience in North America. She has honed the multiple(dis)locations of her personal biography, which itself has been described as a text in “a kind of perennial immigration,” into a literary and cultural poetics that she hopes would constitute “a revisionist theory for contemporary residency and citizenship” in the United States(Gabriel 85). Mukherjee also brings a unique feminist perspective to the immigrant experience. She tends to depict in her novels the psychological traumas of frustrated protagonists who find it difficult to adapt to the cross- cultural world of the foreign land.
SavitaYadav (Research Scholar, Dept. of English & Foreign Languages M.D.U., Rohtak, Haryana)