Need satisfaction, goal content and subjective well-being
S. John Michael Raj and Cicilia Chettiar (Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore )
Self determination theory highlights how satisfaction of the three needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness leads to higher subjective well being. However it also specifies that the nature of the goal will finally affect SWB. Extrinsic goals lower well being while intrinsic goals enhance SWB. This study assesses SWB in a sample of 100 respondents to verify this proposition. There is a significant difference in the aspiration index of males and females, yet there is no corresponding significant difference in their SWB. This study questions the assumptions of SDT that only intrinsic goals can enhance SWB. Also, using factor analysis, the goal of health is clearly categorised as being part of the intrinsic goals. The goals were also ranked in order of importance for males and females.
S. John Michael Raj and Cicilia Chettiar (Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore )