
Motivating factors of women entrepreneurship in Tirunelveli district

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Pages: 1508-1515
N. Sankara Nayagam and B. Revathy (Department of Commerce, Manomaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu)

The women entrepreneurship is seen as an effective strategy to solve the problems of rural poverty as well as urban development. It promotes the quality of life by motivating female human potential. The present study, is a pioneering attempt to study the motivating factors for starting the enterprises by women entrepreneurs through an exploratory research. A structured interview schedule is used to elicit the profile and motivating factors of the women entrepreneurs. This is an analytical study of the motivating factors for starting the enterprises as a tool to develop entrepreneurship among women. This study requires both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected through structured interview schedule, the women entrepreneurs formed the main source of data. The secondary data were collected from various published sources like DRDA and journals like Kurukshetra, Yojana, Kisan World. The study has used Convenience Sampling method. Tirunelveli district has been chosen as the main area of study, as the researcher is a native of the district. The sample respondents for the study were 300 women entrepreneurs in Tirunelveli district. While concluding, it is suggested that the development of entrepreneurial talent is important for sustaining a competitive advantage in the global economy. Enhancing the level of entrepreneurial traits could enlarge the number of potential and actual entrepreneurs who in turn could generate more employment and create national wealth. The suggestion may, be carried out for motivating the members of self help group to become entrepreneurs who can help in building a self-sufficient country by contributing their efforts to the Indian economy as a whole. Entrepreneurs are the back bone for the growth of the country.


Pages: 1508-1515
N. Sankara Nayagam and B. Revathy (Department of Commerce, Manomaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu)