Morphological and functional properties of starch extracted from common Buckwheat
Pages: 802-803
Sangeeta and R.B. Grewal (Centre of Food Science and Technology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)
Buckwheat commonly known as kuttu is a non-glutinous pseudo-cereal belonging to the family polygonaceae. In buckwheat flour, starch is a main component which plays an important role in the functional properties of end-use food products. The present investigation was carried out to examine the morphological and functional characteristics of buckwheat starch. Water absorption capacity, solubility index and swelling power of buckwheat starch was observed as 91.83%, 0.11 and 18.43g/g, respectively. Keeping in view these functional properties we can use buckwheat starch in various food and industrial application.
Pages: 802-803
Sangeeta and R.B. Grewal (Centre of Food Science and Technology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)